
July 2, 2015

The Boston Marathon is an event touted as one of the most difficult marathon courses, due to it’s 26 mile hilly terrain; so would you believe someone actually ran the Boston Marathon 4 times…in a row. Would you find it even harder to believe that just 10 years prior that same person struggled with alcohol addiction and weighed in at 320 lbs. Host Annamaria Stewart sits down with David Clark, Ultra Runner and Author of the book Out There: A Story of Ultra Recovery. David talks about addiction, recovery, weight loss, ultra running, and what he calls the Quad Boston.

Out There: A Story of Ultra Recovery is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

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This episode is currently airing on ClearVISION, an innovative in-airport TV network which features the best entertainment, news, music, and sports programming for travelers.