
May 30, 2018

It is estimated that more than 330 million people currently suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome worldwide.  Although often misunderstood, the complex disease can even lead to a chronic vision threatening disorder, conjunctivochalasis (CCh). Certain modern day conveniences are thought to be a cause in the increase of the condition, with extended viewing of digital screens, laser eye surgery, exposure to air conditioning and increased life expectancy to blame for the growing incidence. The global dry eye market is currently dominated by three companies: Allergan, Novartis, and Santen, but one company is hoping to shake up this $3.7 billion market with their new prescription eye drops. Noam Danenberg Chief Operating Officer of Wize Pharma, joins the show to shed some light on dry eye syndrome and the company’s approach to treatment.

Diabetes has been declared a global epidemic, the rapid rise in the number of people living with diabetes worldwide underscores the need for more effective treatments that can delay and even prevent the use of insulin injections. Researchers have been working for decades to try to develop an oral form of insulin that can be released through the digestive system, mimicking the body’s natural production of insulin. One company has achieved a scientific breakthrough in the oral delivery of proteins and is on track to be the first to bring an oral insulin capsule to market. Oramed Pharmaceuticals will soon be entering phase III trials for their oral insulin capsule and the company’s CEO Nadav Kidron joins remotely to discuss the revolutionary discovery and its implications in the treatment of diabetes.